Sunday 10 December 2017

Inmaculada Concepción de María.

Last week there were 2 holidays,  or 3 if you are at school, because if Wednesday and Friday are holidays, then why open on the in-between day?  And then it's weekend.  Wednesday was Día de la Constitución,  and Friday was Inmaculada Concepción de María.  We usually notice more people around on holidays,  walkers or visitors to local family, but Wednesday was quiet.  However Friday was busier, maybe because there were things happening in Yator. 

Lunchtime in the village hall - don't think of this as some old quaint building, it's big and basic and quite echoey,  cheap to build but over the years it's getting more comfy,  tiled floors rather than the original concrete,  a proper kitchen and bar and lowered ceilings,  a work in progress....

Anyway I digress.  Lunch was arroz, a general purpose lunch of  rice,  sometimes full of pork and vegetables,  sometimes quite dry and stodgy,  but  Friday's was good.  I'm not a huge rice fan,  but this had lots of veg and stock and garlic and onions,  accompanied by a chunk of bread to mop up the juice,  plus of course a drink.  Wine or beer or a soft drink for your 5 euros.  Not the cheapest of meals but for a reason......

The main fiestas in Yator are San Sebastian in January and Asunción de la Virgen María in August.  The small fiestas such as this weeks are the fundraisers for the big ones,  so most of the 5 euros will go towards those. 

We walked down in glorious sunshine but with those weird spaceship clouds that signify swirling clouds way up high. 

Another way to arrive in the village is by mulo mechanico  a mechanic mule,  otherwise known as a sit and ride rotavator.....

Then the arroz;  Julio was stirring the huge pan

then Gabriel who was the barman for the day also wanted to be included,

About 100 of us sat down to eat, including children,
98 of them were  Spanish

and us.

Saturday 2 December 2017


After rain on Wednesday and more drizzle on Thursday afternoon,  we woke yesterday morning to our first frost.  The leaves on the ground under the fig trees were golden and crunchy and shimmering with frost.  Very pretty, but a little chilly!  Also the first snow up on the hills to the north and east of us,  again beautiful against the blue sky but definitely cool.  Today the wind is from the north and although we have reached the dizzy heights of 8 degrees today,  it feels much colder.

There are some large black clouds around too,  threatening more rain maybe, although the forecast is clear.